

Sips of beauty, exploring designer wineries

Sips of beauty, exploring designer wineries

Sipping a good wine while strolling through a garden-vineyard is an unforgettable experience, satisfying all five senses in just a matter of seconds. For this reason, many wineries have equipped themselves to give their guests an even more engaging emotion that goes beyond the glass but at the same time exalts it. Some have worked with great architects, employing bold choices and hi-tech materials to present themselves as designer wineries.

Corradi, where Cinema feels like home
News and Events

Corradi, where Cinema feels like home

From 2 to 12 September the Corradi Cinema Lounge will once again be the meeting point on the Lido for a special edition of the Venice Film Festival that will not fail to surprise visitors. As is tradition, design and the cinema stars will meet in the...
Glamping: holidays under the stars, with style

Glamping: holidays under the stars, with style

In recent years the tourism sector has seen a trend that combines the comfort and elegance of a luxurious hotel with the adventurous charm of a holiday immersed in a forest or under a starry sky. We're talking about glamping, the new way of travelling that's all the rage across the globe, from America to Europe, including Italy.
Living on Mars: the house of the future, a mix of science and design

Living on Mars: the house of the future, a mix of science and design

The discovery of water in the subsoil of the Red Planet has led science to imagine it as a possible destination, a safe harbour for societies of the future, a new settlement for a humanity engaged in interplanetary travel. Soon living on Mars may no longer be science fiction, but rather an increasingly feasible possibility.

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